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Computer war game

The Computer War Game (CWG) is an interactive simulation system to be used to:

  • train the commanding staff of the headquarters, command posts and control posts in skills of controlling combat operations;
  • verify the tasks of planning, control and evaluation of the results of engagement of the Armed Forces arm groupings in the course of combat operations.

The CWG makes it possible:

  • To train the skills of commanding personnel to take decisions considering specific situation;
  • To raise the level of operative and tactical training of control bodies and staffs;
  • To perform joint exercises of different arms of Armed Forces;
  • To simulate, forecast and evaluate the efficiency of the trainees' actions;
  • To carry out the analysis of the influence of the specific decisions upon the results of combat operations, etc.

CWG hardware diagram

The CWG can be used:

  • In the headquarters of the Armed Forces as an instrument to evaluate the results of planning and engagement of groupings of the Armed Forces arms in the course of combat operations;
  • in military academies, training centers as the means of training of the commanding staff of the headquarters, command posts and control posts.