Our Company is a leading developer of software and special purpose equipment both on domestic and foreign markets.  We are committed to highest world standards of performance paying respect and attention to every client. We unlock the creative potential of our personnel and build corporate unity on the principles of openness and trust. 


A complex of training and testing software to carry out fire fighting and solving man-caused emergency problems.



This complex is designed to train and test cadets in the frameworks of Emergency Situations Ministry. This software is designed to simulate a real fire-fighting situation.

The complex makes it possible to do the following:

  • to give the necessary data on any level of the fire;
  • to define the parameters and dynamics of the fire;
  • to define the necessary quantity of manpower and facilities to fight the fire;
  • to create two-dimensional graphic of the dynamics of development, localization and the extinguishing of the fire.

The architecture of the complex makes different additions possible. All calculating methods meet legal technical standards of the Republic of Belarus.